April 2006
Vol. 2, Issue 10
The Spinal Column

Win $1,000 Worth of Free Marketing Services
Contest Winner: Congratulations Steve Ely
To Grow: Good Habits Are Hard to Start and Bad Habits
Are Hard to Break
Marketing Idea of the Month #22: The Right Writing is
the Right Course For You to Take
Letter of the Month
Announcing: ChiroCommunity.com Exclusive Network


Win $1,000 Worth of Free Marketing Services

On April 30th we will be awarding a free marketing program valued at $1,000 to one of our subscribers. To be eligible all you need to do is be an active subscriber to The Spinal Column.

The winning doctor will be announced in the May issue of this newsletter.

Congratulations to Steve Ely!

Steve Ely is our $1,000 marketing package winner! Steve Ely, please contact Sonia at Metro Marketing by Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006. To be eligible to win for May, just sign up for our newsletter and look at it when it arrives in your in box. It's that easy to win a $1,000 marketing package.

Subscribe today

To Grow: Good Habits Are Hard to Start and Bad Habits Are Hard to Break

Habits. Routines. It's how you get through most of your day.

When you stop to think about it, you will quickly realize that 90% of what you do each day is the result of an earlier formed habit.

From the moment you wake up until you go to bed.

Habits. Routines.

You brush your teeth using the same brand of toothpaste basically the same way day after day. Habit.

If you have breakfast, what and when you eat, for the most part, is the same as yesterday. Habit.

When you get dressed. How you dress. Habit.

The roads you drive to reach your office. The same day after day. Habit.

How you go about your workday from the smallest detail to the larger events. Habit. Habit. Habit.

You have hard-wired your brain to stay in the routine. Stay in the known comfort zone. No thinking out of the box.

What did you do differently yesterday, that was difficult, from every other time? Think hard. Bet you'll have trouble coming up with something.

We want to play it safe. We are lazy. We want to stay in our comfort zone. Why drive to work a new way when the existing way gets you to where you need to be?

Why put your left shoe on first when you've been putting the right one on first for the last 20, 30 or 40 years?

It's not easy to change even if you want to. Don't believe me? Well try it.

Try to change anything that has become a hard-wired habit to your brain.

So what? Why should you care and what do hard-wired habits have to do with your chiropractic practice anyway?

See if you agree with this statement.

If you do this week what you did last week, the results from this week should be similar to the results from last week.

Okay, do more of the same and you'll get more of the same.

Now that could be very, very good or very, very bad depending on where your chiropractic practice is in relation to where you want it to be.

Annual billing. Collection rate. Number of weekly patient visits. Number of new first time patients in the last 30 days. The list is endless.

If you are happy with the number of new patients you saw last month, do more of what you did to get them and the odds are pretty good you will see approximately the same number of new patients this month.

The problem is many of us wait for divine intervention to right the sinking ship.

But if the truth be told, if you change the effort the results will change as well.

Turn the steering wheel on the car and the car heads off in a new direction.

The same is true about every aspect of your life including your chiropractic practice.

Where do you start?

It's truly quite simple.

You need to sit down with a legal pad and pen in hand and make two lists.

Everything you are happy and satisfied with and those things that you are not happy or satisfied with.

Happy with the way your teeth look? Then why bother changing the toothpaste, the brush or the way you go about brushing.

When the two lists are done (personal and business lists) set the happy list aside for now.

We can always improve upon the happy list but we'll save that for another day.

We have an unhappy list to tackle first.

Now take the unhappy list and rank the items in order of the unhappiness/satisfied factor.

Most unhappy about goes on the list first. Then rank them till you ranked them all.

Remember, everything on the list has been happening because of habits or routine, procedures that you have refused to change.

To get you warmed up you may want to start with changing a small habit first. This will start to get your hard-wired brain unplugged and free to create new ideas.

Maybe start by driving to work a new way tomorrow. Think it's easy. Try it. And then try it again the next day.

Studies have shown that any action you repeat for 30 consecutive days has an excellent chance of becoming a new habit. Out with the old – in with the new.

After you've tackled some of the easier ones on your unhappy list, you may want to move on to the bigger projects like the size and profitability of your practice.

Again, the concept and procedures are the same – same action, same results, different action, different results. Will the different results be better or what you want? We don't know until we try but they will be different.

If different effort produces unacceptable different results, we move on to different effort # 3 and so forth.

Thomas Edison had over 1400 “failures” while inventing the light bulb. So you have a long way to go before you can throw in the towel.

So if you realize and agree that 90% of your day is doing things that are hard-wired in your brain and that for the most part we are all lazy, comfortable and afraid to fail, then you are well on your way to changing your life to whatever you want it to be.

And remember, as hard as it is to start a new habit, it's just as hard to break an old one.

So when you get it right, and you will get it right, if you don't quit before the ‘Thomas Edison 1400 attempts', then your new habits, your new results, your new life will be with you forever.

Happy teeth brushing.

Marketing Idea of the Month #22: The Right Writing is the Right Course for You to Take

Each month we will give you a proven marketing tip or program that, if done right, will work for you. Collect, read and use all 36 of them over the next three years and you will have put together an effective powerful marketing program to help grow your chiropractic practice.

Last issue’s idea: Premiums Are Not for You

This month’s idea: The Right Writing is the Right Course for You to Take

With a well-written press release that gets placed in the right media you win twice.

The ‘advertising' is free and the recognition is priceless.

The most common form of publicity is the press release.

A well-written press release will be one page most of the time. If you've never written a press release you have two choices.

Hire someone to do it or learn to do it yourself. The choice is yours.

The press release should read the way an article appears in the publication you are trying to get it into.

Two mistakes will doom your press release. One written on a topic or subject of interest to no one but yourself or a press release poorly written that needs a lot of re-write work.

Both are fatal mistakes that will insure that your ‘priceless' press release will never be seen by anyone.

Look and follow the format of similar articles in the publication.

The headline. The opening sentence. The length of paragraphs. The style of writing. The length of the article and the closing paragraphs.

Follow the formula as closely as you can. Make sure you include on top of the first page a name and phone number in case additional information is needed.

Not only must the press release read professionally, but it needs to look it as well.

The stationery you use. The size and spacing of the print font. Spelling and grammar must be perfect. Who do you send it to?

It's best to send it to a particular person by name as opposed to the publication itself.

You can find out who to send it to one of two ways.

Look through the publication in question and see who is writing similar articles or if no name can be found, simply call the publication and ask.

Explain what the press release is all about and ask whom it should be mailed to.

Make sure you have the spelling and title of the person perfect.

Then after you mail out the press release to the right person or people, you can follow up with a phone call.

Not an annoying pest call of ‘when will you be printing my press release' but rather as a helpful guest asking if it's been received and could you be of any further help.

If you happen to get the right person to the phone try to establish a relationship.

What type of press releases would they like to get? Are there any deadlines you should know about? Any other policies or procedures?

Remember, you want to help the reporter or editor and the more helpful you are the more inclined they will be to help you.

Start developing a press media contact list today.

Every weekly or daily newspaper, magazine, web site, radio or TV station too. Trade publications, newsletters and organizations' internal publications.

The list is endless.

But in a few short hours of telephone contact work you can put together a powerful media contact list that will serve you well for many years to come.

Okay, you've got the right contact list. Now what do you say?

There is an endless list of what you can write about.

First of all it needs to be newsworthy and, of course, of interest to the readers of the publication.

Look for that slant … that angle that will have the reporter/editor say immediately that what you have written will be of interest to his/her readers.

Otherwise, your press release will move directly to the trashcan along with many, many others.

On a broad basis you will be writing about your practice and you or the subject of chiropractic or health in general.

Some ideas include:

•  Free screening announcement

•  Opening of a new office

•  New equipment you have purchased

•  Workshops or seminars you are conducting

•  Surveys you have done

•  Any community programs you are involved in

From the health angle just look through all the journals and publications you get. They are filled with press releases and story ideas.

Become a reliable, steady source of valuable chiropractic and health-related information to your media contact list and the exposure you will receive will overwhelm you.

Once you've mastered the art of writing press releases that actually get printed, you can move up a notch and write (or have written on your behalf) a full length article for publication.

Again, where to get it placed and the topics are only limited by your creativity.

When you get your first by-lined article printed, you will make copies of it and distribute it to patients and prospective patients alike.

A published author (yes, that's you) enjoys instant credibility. The more credible the publication, the more credibility you will receive.

The last area to explain is to create ideas for stories that will be written by a member of the press.

A visit to your practice or a lunch with your press contact can lead to something very valuable.

A news or feature piece written by the publication staff.

Help them along. Come up with a list of story ideas and do a lot of background research to help the process move along.

Good story ideas are all around you. You just need to develop the ‘nose' for them.

Publicity, if done right, will be far more valuable, far more productive and a lot less expensive than any other type of marketing you may be spending your hard-earned dollars on.

Letter of the Month

Each month we will give you a ready-to-use letter that can be used to help promote your practice.

A professional copywriter would charge you anywhere from $150 to $350 to write you a marketing letter, but as a subscriber to The Spinal Column you get it for free.

Don't forget to check out all the back issues and letters of the month as well.

This month’s letter: New Doctor Joins Practice

Free downloadable copy

Click here to download Adobe Acrobat Reader

To grow your practice your professional marketing skills are as important as your chiropractic knowledge, maybe even more so.

Announcing: ChiroCommunity.com Exclusive Referral Network

We are excited to announce the successful launch of
ChiroCommunity.com, with a phenomenal response
from chiropractors all across the United States!

Don't let your competitor "lock you out" of your zip code!
Click here for more details

Remember, only one chiropractor in each zip code.

Publisher: The Spinal Column
Director: 800 696 7788, ext. 112
E-Mail: larry@chirometromarketing.com

P.S. If you would like information on our test drive new patient programs with a 100% money-back guarantee (if we don’t deliver) call us at 800 696 7788, ext. 248.

P.P.S. We now have a new program that pre-qualifies the patients we send you. They must have a treatable condition and insurance or a job.

Call for details at 800 696 7788, ext. 248.


Guaranteed 100% Click here to learn how to take your practice to the next level this Fall Click here for more info on our NEW exclusive chiropractic referral network

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